Tag Archives: Orrin Woowdward

LIFE Off to a Fast Start

On November 1, 2011, the LIFE business was launched into a niche between four major trends.  Those trends are 1) Home-based Businesses, 2) Life Coaching, 3) Personal Development, and 4) Community. In an article posted yesterday, LIFE founder Orrin Woodward delineated the ways in which the LIFE business is fulfilling the objectives that were set for it.  You see, there are good and bad parts to each of those four trends when considered by themselves.  What the founders of LIFE wanted to do was to take the best of each and combine them together, leaving the worst of each behind.  So far, this model has proven to be a good one, and the results speak for themselves.  Consider the following points taken from Orrin’s article:

5. The LIFE Business Compensation Plan is rewarding people at unprecedented levels. With 95% of the people receiving a check monthly, LIFE is fair, equitable, and affordable to even the most strained of pocketbooks. LIFE is about receiving an opportunity, not a handout. One must work to win at anything, but the goal of the LIFE founders was to ensure that real work receives real rewards quickly.

6. LIFE is rapidly closing in on 4,000 customers! That’s 4,000 people choosing to purchase LIFE materials with no thought of further compensation. The LIFE founders studied the industry and refused to move forward unless they had a product that was in demand at the retail price in the marketplace. With almost a 1,000 new customers a month, I think the task was accomplished.

There is something right about a company that offers a legitimate opportunity for financial advancement.  There is something right about a company that has a low cost of entry, pays strictly upon performance, and allows people to pursue their dreams together.  And the list goes on.  People are coming to grips with the fact that LIFE is something new, that it truly is a “fix” for the disadvantageous parts of each of the four trends listed above, and that it is a real chance for them to experience success in multiple areas of their lives.

However: LIFE is not for those who want a guaranteed existence, an easy paycheck, or a special deal.  It is also not for those who assume they already know everything, have no need for personal growth and improvement, and think they are just fine the way they are.  LIFE is for those who have a burning desire inside to achieve, to advance, to contribute, to become their best, and to make a difference.  As Orrin Woodward says, “We don’t promise easy.  But we DO promise ‘worth it!'” In just its first five months, LIFE has already proven that to be true!